We believe in giving back because God first gave to us. Much like a farmer planting seeds, our financial contributions and our giving of our time are akin to sowing seeds that yield a bountiful harvest for God's Kingdom. You can find more on this in 2 Corinthians 9:6-8.
Sacrificial giving fosters a deeper reliance on God while reducing dependence on our possessions. If you're interested in experiencing the joy of giving both financially and in service, here's how you can participate:
(This will open a pop up to give directly via Credit Card)
(For all tax deductible offerings please email office@newpeninsula.com.au to receive a tax receipt at the end of the financial year)
Please indicate campus by putting MM for Mt Martha or RB for Rosebud in your giving description field.
For General Offerings and Tithes:
BSB: 063 539 Acc: 1038 8044
NPBC Donation Fund (tax deductible):
BSB: 063 539 Acc: 1060 5168
NP Community Caring (tax deductible):
BSB: 063 539 Acc: 1078 4688
If you wish to set up regular payments via credit card, please contact accounts@newpeninsula.com.au
Our volunteers are the life blood of our church! Everyone has unique gifts and skills given by God. We grow in our faith, and in turn help others grow in theirs, by utilising these gifts in the church (check out 1 Peter 4:10-11). If you’re keen for an exciting and stretching faith adventure fill out at the ‘Start Serving’ form and one of team will be in touch really soon.